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Our Services and Product
Rich Minds is ensuring secured and timely testing and evaluation delivery, which is a key contest for any test carrying bodies, recruiters, and corporates. Our Solution is a cross over scientific testing and evaluation platform, helps simplify, secure, and hasten testing and evaluation distribution through online access and smart features.
Effective Testing and evaluation administration is critical to establishing academic achievement and competency. Managing tests at scale, however, requires all-in-one coordination of various aspects, including registration, test creation, security, candidate verification and result tabularization.
Our Testing and Evaluation helps educational institutions and testing bodies effectively plan, prepare and evaluate tests. It extents end-to-end test carrying management services – from application processing and pre-test services to test administration, on-screen marking, virtual invigilation and result processing. The solution supports not only paper-pencil based and computer-based testing.
Our Testing and Evaluation allows our clients to conduct large scale tests digitally, shortening the test cycle from months to just 30 days.
Our Solution provides endwise services to configure and schedule complete testing and evaluation procedure. This include planning of online and offline testing’s, configuring attendance and hall tickets, creating & managing test slots, and assigning test centers to candidates. The solution also helps to manage the distribution of question papers, evaluation and results management processes. It provides the following support services.
Computer Based Examination
One of a niche service provided by Rich Minds is computer based Examination, is the use of information technology in various forms of assessment such as educational assessment, health assessment, psychiatric assessment, and psychological assessment. This embraces a wide range of student activity ranging from the use of a word processor to on-screen testing. Specific types of e-assessment include multiple choice, online/electronic submission, computerized adaptive testing and computerized classification testing.
Large-scale examining bodies find the journey from traditional paper-based exam assessment to fully electronic assessment a long one. Practical considerations such as having the necessary IT hardware/software to enable large numbers of candidates to sit an electronic examination at the same time, as well as the need to ensure a stringent level of security are among the concerns that need to resolved to accomplish this transition.
Rich Minds’s CBE is similar but with superior quality and that makes Rich Mind ahead of different players.
Campus Management Solutions
Rich Minds provide an endwise ERP solution for Schools/Colleges/Universities/Educational Institutions which allows them to use a system of integrated applications to manage the campus and automate many back office functions related to Admission, attendance, classes, fee, placement, human resources etc.
Computer based Evaluation
In this process, we securely scan subjective answer booklets so that evaluators can access them digitally on a computer screen at any location. There will be multiple checks so that evaluator cannot do any mistake while checking the booklets. This will allow the department to timely, securely and mistake free marking of answer booklets.
Record Digitization
In this service, physical storage space become obsolete, we securely scan all the documents and records of the department and convert them into a digital copy so that they can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Can give the digitised Data in specific file format in a storage device or can create an application where user-wise access can be given to the department.