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Our Process

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Before Testing and Evaluation

  1. Candidate Registration/Application processing
  2. Online/Offline Payment
  3. Confirmation (Email and SMS)
  4. Center Identification as per the registered count
  5. Candidate Scheduling
  6. Admit card/Hall Ticket generation
  7. Question Content development (Optional)
  8. Exam center audit (technical and operational)


Actual Testing and Evaluation

  1. Physical verification at venue gate by Government Photo ID proof
  2. Biometric based Candidate registration
  3. Seat allocation can be predefined or can be done on spot after biometric registration
  4. Physical Invigilation/Proctoring by trained manpower
  5. CCTV Surveillance recording and live monitoring
  6. Live Exam Dashboard monitoring
  7. Physical attendance (Thumb print + Signature)
  8. Client specific documentation.


After Testing and Evaluation

  1. Collection of candidate responses
  2. On screen score/result (Client Specific)
  3. Row scores to client
  4. Responses review for candidates (Client Specific)
  5. Objection calling
  6. Final Result
  7. Reports and RTI supporting documents i.e. Attendance, Audit Logs, CCTV, Registration Data
  8. Verification support for final interview i.e. During Exam biometric registration Data
    (Client Specific)